Monday, April 2, 2012

Doctors and shopping

Today was the start of a week off of work.  Glorious vacation ... I love you!! I still have classes this week, but not having to get up at 5 a.m. is a real treat.  This morning I had an appointment with a new hand specialist to look over my injuries.  He prescribed a lot more meds I have to take, but if it's going to help me get through this, I'll do whatever I have to do.  Tomorrow I have two MRI's to do and another appointment on Wednesday with a chiropractor to work on the pain.  Breathe, Kathy, just breathe.

I then went into Smart & Final because I'm low on the sugar-free Torani syrups that I put in my Optifast shakes.  It is amazing what a different experience I have now being in stores where they sell food.  First of all, my bill is much smaller!  When I'm not buying food, let alone the horrible stuff that shouldn't even be classified as food, the cart has much less stuff.  All I had in mine today was the Torani bottles, diet soda, and a large packet of sugar-free gum.  However, I was very aware of the other foods around me, especially with Easter being this weekend.  They had cookies, cakes, breads, pies and the like at the end of practically every aisle and people just piling it high into their carts.  I felt empathy for the people who were larger with a lot in their carts.  That was me, queen of the bingers for a long time.  No one knows what goes on in the privacy of a person's home, but I can tell you from my experience that it is so very different from the persona we portray for the world to see.  I also know, again from my own experience, that it only comes when you are ready and one hundred percent committed to make the change. 

People always ask me how in the world it is that I am doing Optifast and comment that they could never do it.  I totally get it!  Personally, I just could never do this on my own without the loving Hand of God and all of my friends and family surrounding me in support and love.  Yes, I'm doing the footwork, but God is such a wonderful Father to me and puts people in my life who bless me beyond measure.  They have no idea how their smiling faces, supportive hugs and yay-Kathy attitudes make this journey for me so much easier.   I can be in a place like a grocery store and still walk out of there not having shame about what's in my cart.


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