Friday, July 13, 2012

Brought me to tears

Now I'm in Monterey on my vacation.  Yesterday we left Morro Bay and headed up the 1 going north.  For about 100 miles, the ocean was on the left and the mountains were on the right.  As we were driving through Big Sur, I had to make sure I was paying attention to the road ... it was incredibly gorgeous.  I felt so moved by the majesty of God as we drove.

This morning, instead of going to the gym at the hotel, I encouraged my friend to go with me on a hike near the hotel.  The hike was in the mountains overlooking the ocean.  How could we not do that?  It was an incredibly moving experience for both of us.  Here I am, climbing up a million stairs, scaling down rocks and feeling the wind blowing my hair as I overlooked the vast ocean and felt the mist in my face.  I was 417 pounds and I was scaling down freakin rocks!!  My friend didn't go all the way down with me because she was starting to feel some pain, so I told her to hang out at the top but that I wanted to go to the bottom where the waves were hitting the rocks and seals were just hanging out.  We both were absolutely overwhelmed with emotions, but in a very good way.  God is supremely blessing me and I know it.  I feel it. 

I have been handling being in restaurants just fine.  We have been in some pretty amazing ones with all the seafood around here, but I have not even thought about the food. I would bring in my chicken soup, shake and stick to a tea.  It wasn't a struggle at all.  How?  Lord help me, but I just don't know.  It has shown me that I am much stronger than I ever give myself credit for.  Below are some pics of my hike so you can see what I was talking about.  Tomorrow we're leaving Monterey (boo!!) and heading down to the Santa Barbara area and then concluding our lovely vacation back in San Diego on Sunday.


Melissa said...

Thank you so much for journaling your travels and posting the lovely pictures. It's gray and rainy here today in boring Columbus, but I am whisked away by your posts! Have a fabulous time.

Anonymous said...

I'm also swept away by your descriptions of what's happening to you....both on the outside and on the inside! God is indeed showering you with blessings....and you deserve each and every one of them!!

Truth Teller said...

Wow great photos! I 'eat out' all the time, at least three times a week, it's easier than one might think, right?

Kathy said...

Sometimes it is hard to capture the feelings inside and expressing them to other people. Thank you ;-)

Kathy said...

It actually is. Shocked me!

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