Monday, January 21, 2013

OMG, beyond frustrated

Okay, I am officially sick of this.  My blood sugar is 53 right now, although I did just have some glucose tablets and regular soda that has 15g of carbs per serving.  I will also have something to eat after I'm done posting this to keep it elevated.  I had well balanced meals today and even had an entire banana (which is two servings of a carb as opposed to the half banana I usually eat) before I worked out.  I do know my regular routine was off today because of the holiday, but seriously??  I'm so fucking frustrated right now.  Sorry for cussing, but there's just no other way for me to express what I'm feeling inside that doesn't sugarcoat it.  Right now, I feel like I should be eating just all carbs.  Obviously I know I am not supposed to be doing that, but my blood sugar seems to be low pretty much every day.  Okay, I need to regroup.  I'm at least glad I wasn't awakened in the middle of the night with low blood sugar.  I will have some time to get it higher before I go to bed.  I know this is going to require that I be diligent all of the time in tracking everything so that I can counter the lows with appropriate food.  I can already feel the glucose tabs and soda raising the blood sugar level in me.  My hands aren't shaking and I don't feel nearly as jittery as when I opened up my laptop.

I'm posting tonight earlier than I usually do because I have some scheduling changes that will effect my evenings and mornings.  Tomorrow I start another semester of college.  The principal at my high school has graciously allowed me to leave campus sooner two days a week so that I can take classes that start earlier than when I would normally take them.  I work full time and go to school, so it's a juggling act for sure.  That means that I will need to adjust my schedule the other days of the week to accommodate the time.  So I'll be going in earlier and staying later two other days.  Since I started taking that pain medication that makes me drowsy at bedtime, nortriptyline, I have to ensure that I allow myself at least eight hours of sleep so that I'm not groggy all day long.  What this all means is that I need to be in bed by 9:30 so that I can be up in the morning with enough time to do everything I need to do to be at work earlier.  What this also means is that some days of the week will have me leaving my house at 6:20 in the morning and not returning until 7:30, so I have to make sure I plan my meals ahead of time if I want to take care of myself the best way I can.  I also have to plan when I can get in exercise, too.  It's all worth it, though.  There's no question in my mind that all the effort is worth it and I feel so much healthier when I take the time to do what is right for me and my body.  If only my darn blood sugar would cooperate! 

Lost two pounds this week, so I'm happy about that.  Much better losing than gaining, that's for sure.


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