Monday, February 18, 2013

Friend Makin Monday: Blogger to Blogger

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Blogger to Blogger

1. Does your blog have one overwhelming theme? 

My blog is definitely about losing weight and getting healthy, although it's all about me so I will write about whatever strikes me. 

2. How did you come up with the theme(s) for your blog? Was it intentional? 

It was so clear to me what I was wanting to write about getting healthy and being healthy with this blog.  That was my sole purpose in the beginning.  I was embarking on a very drastic undertaking and I knew I needed the support and a place to write about everything I have been going through in make such huge changes.

3. Share something cool that has happened in your life as a result of blogging.

I have met some pretty amazing people.  When I first started writing on my blog, it was truly just for me.  I knew other people might stumble on it someday, probably by accident (ha ha), but I sometimes forget there are people who will actually read this thing once I hit the publish button.  What has come up is a true connection with strangers and friends alike.  I've met people that started reading my blog in person, like Sara or Tessa.  The first time I met Sara, it felt like I was going on a blind date, but with someone that knew me really well!  Then I've met people online like Melissa, who has become a great friend.  Hopefully someday we'll meet.  I've even shared a part of myself with the people that see me everyday at work in a way I never imagined and it has strengthens my friendships with them.  They have been and continue to be such a great support system for me. 

4. How much time to do spend reading blogs everyday?

Probably 1-2 hours, depending on how much time I have.  On some days I only have enough time to post, but then I'll catch up the next time.

5. Do you blog on the weekends?

Yes.  It's a priority for me because it's more than just writing for me.  Living a healthier life happens every day, including on the weekends.  My posts sometimes may be shorter, but I try to do it every day if possible.

6. Do you keep track of your stats? Do they matter to you?

Confession:  I do look at my stats.  I don't live by them, not at all, but it just is fascinating to me how many people have stumbled onto my blog and read it.  The day I was at 10,000 hits was so surreal to me that I don't even know what to think about it now.  I can always tell what topics are more compelling for people to read about, which tends to surprise me a lot.  I even found a link today to my blog from someone's website that was totally random because it was from a book review site.  It was such an unusual link.  I also like to see what countries people are in that read my blog.  I never think about it when I'm writing, though. 

7. How do you decide how much to share about your personal life?

At first, I was a little bit guarded about what I would post, how much detail I'd put up and then I remembered that this is my blog.  So I write about every topic and I don't have a filter any longer.  Good Lord, my weight is posted on my blog.  I definitely don't have a filter on any longer!  When I have shared really personal things about my life, people have told me they have gotten so much inspiration and hope from that.  It means a lot to know that I'm affecting other people in a positive way.

8. Do you aspire to be a writer, or did blogging happen for some other reason?

I personally don't have a desire to be a writer, but I also know that this form of writing helps me to be honest.  I started the blog because I wanted to document my weight loss journey for me and to share with at least one other person that their experience is also my experience.  So, if I can do it, so can they.  I'm such a visual person so for me to see where I've been through pictures I post or reading about incidents after the fact really helps me see how far I've come.  I have so many moments of clarity when I'm writing and get to greater aha moments.  I've had people tell me I need to turn it into a book someday.  Who knows if I'll go down that road, but never say never.

9. As a blogger, do you think it’s more important to write for yourself, or for your readers?

Ultimately I write for myself first, but I am also very aware that people are reading my blog.  My blog is me, one hundred percent, but I may hold back on the f-bombs.  I do bring readers into my posts, though, but it doesn't prevent me from writing what it is I need to write.  If I thought about it too much, I'd probably never post anything.

10. What kind of plans do you have for the future of your blog?

At this point, my blog evolves as I evolve.  I started out with a very simple background and then got a bit more fancy.  For now, I like it just the way it is.


Amy @ Delightfully Shrinking said...

First time reader stopping by for FMM! I can really relate to your weight loss story and journey. I was an overweight teenager also. I'm excited to follow your journey. Congrats on your progress so far!

I answered the FMM questions also on my blog.

Melissa said...

No idea what FMM is, but I'm here to say right now that Kathy is awesome and the best darn blogger out there!! Her blog has carried me through some of the roughest, toughest times...made me laugh, cry, and perhaps most importantly lets me know I am not alone in my weight loss journey. Love you dear friend. Onward!

Kathy said...

Thank you Melissa! FMM stands for Friend Makin Mondays. The owner of All the Weigh ( poses questions for bloggers to answer on their own blogs and then link their answers on her comment section for that post. It's a great way of meeting other bloggers and seeing what they have on their pages. Most are related to weight loss/healthy living.

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